Looking for local Children's Consignment Sales in Austin Area of Texas? Scroll down this page and you will see the
all of those in Austin Area of Texas, sorted by county.
ALWAYS call before you go
to confirm the info, they don't always report changes to me!
Help us keep this list of Children's Consignment Sales current and
accurate and; if you know of one we missed and want to add it or correct the
information, please let me know!
Most are planning to hold their sales, with social distancing.
are great way to find excellent lightly used (often looks like new), children's
clothing, toys, baby clothes, maternity clothes, infant equipment, toys for
children and infants, baby and children's furniture (cribs, rockers, etc.),
strollers, books, cds, dvd's, video's, educational toys, baby monitors, and
much, much more. The prices are usually fantastic. Clothes often go for as
little as $1 per article, most commonly around $2 to $5 per item. Often, the consignment sales have a half-price sale during
their last day, which is typically a Saturday. Be sure to see
our tips
section! Be sure to see our lists of local
Pick Your Own farms to take your kids to! See
www.PickYourOwn.org. There are affiliate links on this page. Read our disclosure policy to learn more.
Updates for March 2025
March: Children's Consignment Sales are usually held twice a year, late winter (February and March) and Fall (August and September).
Keep in mind that due to Coronavirus, some organizations may postpone or cancel their Spring sales; always check their website, or call or email them for confirmation.
Children's Consignment Sales by County
Click on Resources above, if you need a county map
Bastrop County
Bell County
Just As
Nice Consignment Sale - Always see their website,
Facebook page or by email for updated dates, hours and
Killeen National Guard Armory
3101 South W.S.
Young Dr., Killeen, TX 76542. Phone: (254) 245 - 2909.
Email: info@justasnicecs.com.
Directions: see their website. Payment: see their website.
is a great way to
stretch your family dollar! You will find items for your entire
family! Consigning allows you to make money by selling your new
& gently used Adult & children clothing, shoes, toys, furniture,
decoration, baby equipment and so much more! Our Team Members
get to shop first at our PRESALE!
Spring dates:
Typically in April
April 12, 2019 to April 14, 2019
pm to $5;00 at the door
Admission, Kids and Family Spring Expo! 9 am to 7 pm
50% OFF SALE, OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Free Admission, 9 am to 2 pm
Fall dates:
See their website.
February 05, 2019)
Blanco County
Burleson County
Burnet County
Caldwell County
Coryell County
Falls County
Fayette County
Hays County
Lampasas County
Lee County
Limestone County
McLennan County
Milam County
Robertson County
Travis County
- Fairytale Threads - Always see their
website, Facebook page or by email for updated dates, hours and
TBD. Phone: 512-850-3280. Email:
Directions: Just off FM 1431; see their website. Payment: Cash, Visa and
MasterCard. Fairytale Threads s Austin’s own consignment event,
held several times throughout the year, designed to turn clutter
into cash and give you the opportunity to shop new and gently
loved items for great prices. Find clothes for newborns-kid’s
16, Jr. sizes & Prom wear, maternity, books, gear and toys for
kids, babies and toddlers and teens. We inspect each and every
item to be sure that you have only the highest quality
children’s items to choose from. You will find top brand named
toys, clothes and gear! Everything is priced to sell! Come shop
with us and make your budget stretch! Why pay full retail price
when you can get new and like-new items at bargain prices? Baby
Gear & Toys, Newborn & Infant Clothing through children’s size
16, Junior’s Clothing, Maternity Clothing, Strollers,
Highchairs, Bouncy Seats & More, Baby & Children’s Furniture,
Books, games and videos.
Spring dates:
Sale Dates: are yet to be announced
Fall dates:
See their website.
Just Between Friends Austin Central Spring Sale - Always see their website for updated dates, hours and conditions
7027 Hart Lane,
Austin, TX 78731. Phone: (979) 820-4905. Email:
casandrapatranella@jbfsale.com. Directions: Click here for the sales map and
directions. The sale has items for babies, toddlers, children, teens, maternity. Discounted prices on many items on the last day!
Strollers are allowed (anytime). Restrooms are available. There are pre-sale hours for consignors. There are pre-sale hours for volunteers.
There are pre-sale hours for certain groups (see our website). There are pre-sale hours for a admission fee. Payment: Cash, Debit cards,
Visa/MasterCard, Discover, ApplePay. You don't want to miss this shopping extravaganza! Thousands of items fill a HUGE venue. Find name brand
items at 50-90% off retail. Everything you need for your growing family. We have the following items at our sale events: boys and girls clothing
(newborn- juniors), boys and girls shoes (newborn- juniors), toys, books, games, baby gear, strollers, infant items, kid's furniture, room
decor, and more. Buy your tickets today to shop Just Between Friends - North America's leading Children's and Maternity Consignment Sales
Spring dates:
Typically held in May
Public Sale Schedule
Thursday to Saturday,
from 9am to 8pm to $5 admission all day but click below for your pass to get in FREE!
Friday, from 9am to 6pm to $5 admission all day but
click below for your pass to get in FREE!
Saturday, from 9am to 4pm to Free admission Half Price Sale..
Fall dates:
Typically held in late July
(ADDED: May 13, 2022)
Just Between Friends Austin North Back To School Sale - Always see their website for updated dates, hours and conditions
1201 S.
Heatherwilde Blvd, Pflugerville, TX 78660. Phone: (512) 694-8031. Email:
michelletreder@jbfsale.com. Directions: Click here for the sales map and
directions. The sale has items for babies, toddlers, children, teens, maternity. Discounted prices on many items on the last day!
Strollers are allowed (anytime). Restrooms are available. There are pre-sale hours for consignors. There are pre-sale hours for volunteers.
There are pre-sale hours for certain groups (see our website). There are pre-sale hours for a admission fee. Payment: Cash, Debit cards,
Visa/MasterCard, Discover, AmEx. You don't want to miss this Back to School shopping EXTRAVAGANZA! Thousands of items all under the same roof.
Find name brand items at 50-90% off retail. Everything you need for your growing family. We have the following items at our sale events: boys
and girls clothing (newborn- juniors), boys and girls shoes (newborn- juniors), toys, books, games, baby gear, strollers, infant items, kid's
furniture, room decor, and more. Buy your tickets today to shop Just Between Friends - North America's leading Children's and Maternity
Consignment Sales event!.
Click here for our Facebook page.
Spring dates:
Typically held in ???
Fall dates:
Typically held in July
Complete Public Sale Hours:
Thursday, from 9am to 8pm to $5 admission all day but click below for your pass to get in FREE!
Friday, from 9am to 6pm to
$5 admission all day but click below for your pass to get in FREE!
Saturday, from 9am to 2pm to Free admission Half Price Sale..
(ADDED: May 13, 2022)
Williamson County
- Fairytale Threads - Always see their
website, facebook page or by email for updated dates, hours and
1420 Toro Grande Blvd, Cedar Park, TX 78613.
Phone: 512-850-3280. Email:
Directions: Just off FM 1431; see their website. Payment: Cash, Visa and
MasterCard. Fairytale Threads s Austin’s own consignment event,
held several times throughout the year, designed to turn clutter
into cash and give you the opportunity to shop new and gently
loved items for great prices. Find clothes for newborns-kid’s
16, Jr. sizes & Prom wear, maternity, books, gear and toys for
kids, babies and toddlers and teens. We inspect each and every
item to be sure that you have only the highest quality
children’s items to choose from. You will find top brand named
toys, clothes and gear! Everything is priced to sell! Come shop
with us and make your budget stretch! Why pay full retail price
when you can get new and like-new items at bargain prices? Baby
Gear & Toys, Newborn & Infant Clothing through children’s size
16, Junior’s Clothing, Maternity Clothing, Strollers,
Highchairs, Bouncy Seats & More, Baby & Children’s Furniture,
Books, games and videos.
Spring dates:
Sale Dates:
Thursday, (typically in March) from 10 am to 7pm
Friday, (typically in March) from 10 am to 7pm, Many items will be 25% off
Saturday, (typically in March) from 10 am to 4pm, Many items will be 50%
Fall dates:
See their website.