Children's Consignment Sales

Looking for local Children's Consignment Sales in Toledo area of Ohio?  Scroll down this page and you will see the all of those in Toledo area of Ohio, sorted by county. ALWAYS call before you go to confirm the info, they don't always report changes to me!

 Help us keep this list of Children's Consignment Sales current and accurate and; if you know of one we missed and want to add it or correct the information, please let me know!   Most are planning to hold their sales, with social distancing.

They are great way to find excellent lightly used (often looks like new), children's clothing, toys, baby clothes, maternity clothes, infant equipment, toys for children and infants, baby and children's furniture (cribs, rockers, etc.), strollers, books, cds, dvd's, video's, educational toys, baby monitors, and much, much more. The prices are usually fantastic.  Clothes often go for as little as $1 per article, most commonly around $2 to $5 per item.  Often, the consignment sales have a half-price sale during their last day, which is typically a Saturday.   Be sure to see our tips sectionBe sure to see our lists of local Pick Your Own farms to take your kids to!  See There are affiliate links on this page. Read our disclosure policy to learn more.


Updates for March 2025

March: Children's Consignment Sales are usually held twice a year, late winter (February and March) and Fall (August and September). Keep in mind that due to Coronavirus, some organizations may postpone or cancel their Spring sales; always check their website, or call or email them for confirmation.

Children's Consignment Sales by County

Click on Resources above, if you need a county map

Fulton County

Hancock County

  • Twice Blessed Childrens Consignment Sale  - Always see their website, facebook page or by email for updated dates, hours and conditions
    Findlay First Church of the Nazarene, 2501 Broad Avenue, Findlay, OH 45840. Phone: 419-422-8660. Email: Directions: *We are located two minutes off the I-75 and Trenton Ave exit, north of Great Scot Supermarket one block. Our building has a red roof and the sale entrance is in the rear (southeast corner) of the building. Payment: see their website. The Twice-Blessed Sale began in Findlay at the First Church of the Nazarene in the spring of 2006. It began with just a few dozen shoppers and has grown to thousands. It remains a semi-annual event that hundreds of families come back each April or September for their child's clothing, furniture, toys, and more.  In the spring of 2013 we computerized all of our sales transactions. With the help of a really cool software tool and the diligence of our consignors to register all of their items online, and print out labels, we have been able to speed up the check-out lines by more than double. Our shoppers gave a big thumbs up. Each sale, we also offer plenty of baked goodies for just a few dollars. This bake sale benefits our missions efforts in Haiti, where we have found many people there to be without basic clothing and other necessities. It's one more reason to host this sale so that children who don't have adequate shoes or shelter can be blessed as well. Click here for a link to our Facebook page.

    Spring dates:
    Typically in April.
    Thursday: 4:00 - 8:00 pm
    Friday: 9:00 am to 12 noon
    Saturday: 9:00 am to 12 noon (Most items are marked half off!)

    Fall dates:
    See their website.

Henry County

Lucas County

  • Over The Rainbow Kid's Pop-up - Always see their website for updated dates, hours and conditions
    1406 Key Street, Maumee, OH 43606. Phone: (419) 705-0919. Email: Directions: Click here for a map and directions. The sale has items for babies, toddlers, children, teens.Discounted prices on many items on the last day! Strollers are allowed during certain days or hours - see their website. Restrooms are available. There are pre-sale hours for consignors. There are pre-sale hours for certain groups (see our website). Payment: Cash, Debit cards, Visa/MasterCard, AmEx, ApplePay. Click here for our Facebook page.

    Spring dates:
    Typically at the end of April..

    Fall dates:
    Lucas County Fairgrounds

    (ADDED: July 25, 2022)

Ottawa County

Sandusky County

Seneca County

Wood County