Children's Consignment Sales

Looking for local Children's Consignment Sales in Long Island, New York?  Scroll down this page and you will see the all of those in Long Island, New York, sorted by county. ALWAYS call before you go to confirm the info, they don't always report changes to me!

 Help us keep this list of Children's Consignment Sales current and accurate and; if you know of one we missed and want to add it or correct the information, please let me know!   Most are planning to hold their sales, with social distancing.

They are great way to find excellent lightly used (often looks like new), children's clothing, toys, baby clothes, maternity clothes, infant equipment, toys for children and infants, baby and children's furniture (cribs, rockers, etc.), strollers, books, cds, dvd's, video's, educational toys, baby monitors, and much, much more. The prices are usually fantastic.  Clothes often go for as little as $1 per article, most commonly around $2 to $5 per item.  Often, the consignment sales have a half-price sale during their last day, which is typically a Saturday.   Be sure to see our tips sectionBe sure to see our lists of local Pick Your Own farms to take your kids to!  See There are affiliate links on this page. Read our disclosure policy to learn more.


Updates for March 2025

March: Children's Consignment Sales are usually held twice a year, late winter (February and March) and Fall (August and September). Keep in mind that due to Coronavirus, some organizations may postpone or cancel their Spring sales; always check their website, or call or email them for confirmation.

Children's Consignment Sales by County

Click on Resources above, if you need a county map

Bronx County


Kings County


New York County

Nassau County

  • Kids Kloset Children's Nassau Consignment Sale - Always see their website, facebook page or by email for updated dates, hours and conditions
    All Sportz Melville, 100 Ruland Rd, Melville, NY 11747. Phone: (631) 838-7914. Email: OVER 100,000 ITEMS EACH SALE SEASON. THAT'S OVER 50,000 IN EVERY EVENT. Clothing Newborn to Juniors, Maternity, Toys, All types of Baby Equipment, Books, Movies, Shoes and Accessories, Outdoor Playhouses, everything you can imagine for kids and more. Long Island Area Families that LOVE Bargains

    Spring dates:
    Typically in MAY
    May 9, 2024 to May 11, 2024  and great news: YOU CAN shop the DEALS EARLY!!! 
    Thurs May 9th Presale 12pm to 9pm EARLY ACCESS Tickets = Shopping BEFORE the public!
    Friday, May 10th from 10a - 8pm Public Day
    Saturday, May 11th from 8:30am to 12:30pm  many items 50% off on Saturday

    Fall dates:
    Late September, Friday, Saturday and Sunday
    In 2020, September 20, 2020 September 21, 2020 and September 22, 2020

Queens County

Richmond County

Suffolk County

  • ChickenKidz Children's Consignment Event - Always see their website, facebook page or by email for updated dates, hours and conditions
    Riverhead Polish Hall, 214 Marcy Avenue, Riverhead, NY 11901. Email: ChickenKidz is a modern, upscale 3-day consignment event held in Riverhead, Long Island. Earn money by selling your new and gently used quality kid's items in a store-like setting. Infant to Tween, we have it all! A ChickenKidz Consignment Event is a place where savvy Moms can sell their outgrown, new and gently-used quality children’s items such as brand name and boutique clothing, toys, high chairs, strollers and nursery furniture and earn up to 80% of their selling price. That same Mom can also purchase an upcoming season’s worth of clothing and toys for her children at 50-90% off retail prices. Now that is one smart lady because no matter what the economy, Moms still want to have cute stuff for their kids. They just don’t want to pay retail prices. We offer two events during the year, in September to sell Fall and Winter items and in March to sell Spring and Summer items.

    Spring dates:
    Public Sales:
    Typically in March
    9 am to 5pm
    Typically in March (50% off Day)
    9 am to 3pm.

    Fall dates:
    See their website.

  • Kids Kloset Suffolk Children's Consignment Sale - Always see their website, facebook page or by email for updated dates, hours and conditions
    HKC Sports & Event Expo, 73 Colonial Springs Rd., Wheatley Heights, NY 11798. Phone: (631) 838-7914. Email: OVER 100,000 ITEMS EACH SALE SEASON. THAT'S OVER 50,000 IN EVERY EVENT. Clothing Newborn to Juniors, Maternity, Toys, All types of Baby Equipment, Books, Movies, Shoes and Accessories, Outdoor Playhouses, everything you can imagine for kids and more.

    Spring dates:
    Typically in late March,.
    Saturday, April 1 - 9 am to 6pm
    * 4pm to 6pm - Special VIP Half off Presale for our
    12 hour and 16 hour volunteers

    Sunday, April 2 - 9:00 am to 2pm
    All items marked Discount = Y are 50% off the marked price

    Fall dates:
    See their website.