Children's Consignment Sales

Looking for local Children's Consignment Sales in North Florida?  Scroll down this page and you will see the all of those in North Florida, sorted by county. ALWAYS call before you go to confirm the info, they don't always report changes to me!

 Help us keep this list of Children's Consignment Sales current and accurate and; if you know of one we missed and want to add it or correct the information, please let me know!   Most are planning to hold their sales, with social distancing.

They are great way to find excellent lightly used (often looks like new), children's clothing, toys, baby clothes, maternity clothes, infant equipment, toys for children and infants, baby and children's furniture (cribs, rockers, etc.), strollers, books, cds, dvd's, video's, educational toys, baby monitors, and much, much more. The prices are usually fantastic.  Clothes often go for as little as $1 per article, most commonly around $2 to $5 per item.  Often, the consignment sales have a half-price sale during their last day, which is typically a Saturday.   Be sure to see our tips sectionBe sure to see our lists of local Pick Your Own farms to take your kids to!  See There are affiliate links on this page. Read our disclosure policy to learn more.


Updates for March 2025

March: Children's Consignment Sales are usually held twice a year, late winter (February and March) and Fall (August and September). Keep in mind that due to Coronavirus, some organizations may postpone or cancel their Spring sales; always check their website, or call or email them for confirmation.

Children's Consignment Sales by County

Click on Resources above, if you need a county map

Alachua County

  • Just Between Friends Gainesville - Always see their website, facebook page or by email for updated dates, hours and conditions
    Northside Shopping Center, 2500 N Main Street, Gainesville, FL 32609. Phone: 352-494-6229. Email: Directions: see their website. Payment: see their website.

    Spring dates:
    Typically in MARCH
    Kids of all ages/strollers welcome on Public Sale days!
    Friday, (typically in March) from 10 am to 7pm, $3 admission (paid at door - cash only) TIP: Click purple GET TICKETS button for FREE admission!
    Saturday, (typically in March) from 9 am to 3pm FREE Admission! MORE Merchandise!  NEW! PRIME Half Price Shopping! 6pm - 8pm $5/adult (paid at door - cash only)
    Sunday, (typically in March) from 10 am to 1pm FREE Admission! 50% off items WITHOUT a star for ALL Shoppers!

    Fall dates:
    See website.

Baker County

Bradford County

Clay County

Columbia County

Dixie County

Duval County

  • Finders Keepers Children's Consignment Sale  - Always see their website, facebook page or by email for updated dates, hours and conditions
    Morocco Shrine Center Auditorium, 3800 S. St. Johns Bluff Rd., Jacksonville, FL 32224. Email: Directions: see their website. Payment: see their website. You will find everything pertaining to kids from clothes to books to bikes to toys for all ages! Most people enjoy shopping Children's consignment sales vs. yard and garage sales because of the convenience and higher quality. Everything you need can be found under one roof in a climate-controlled building! We accept cash and all major credit cards.

    Spring dates:
    Thursday, (typically in March) from 9 am to 8pm
    Friday, (typically in March) from 9 am to 5pm
    Saturday, (typically in April) from 9 am to 3pm; Half Price Sale (many items 50% off)

    Fall dates:
    See their website.

Flagler County

Gilchrist County

Hamilton County

Lafayette County

Levy County

Marion County

  • Little Duckling Sale & Expo - Always see their website for updated dates, hours and conditions
    3801 N. Us Highway 441, Ocala, FL 34475. Phone: (352) 537-8324. Email: Directions: Click here for the sales map and directions. The sale has items for babies, toddlers, children, teens, maternity. Discounted prices on some items on the last day!Strollers are allowed (anytime). Restrooms are available. There are pre-sale hours for consignors. There are pre-sale hours for volunteers. There are pre-sale hours for certain groups (see our website). Payment: Cash, Debit cards, Visa/MasterCard, Discover, AmEx. Ocala's twice yearly kids consignment sale and expo. Click here for our Facebook page.

    Spring dates:
    Typically in March
    Thursday, 8:00 am - 8:00 pm Public Sale
    Friday, 8:00 am - 8:00 pm Public Sale
    Saturday, 8:00 am - 1:00 pm Public Sale 1/2 Price Day (Consignment Items marked “discount:yes” on the tag will be 50% off!)Spring dates:
    Thursday 8am to 8pm Friday 8am to 8pm Saturday 8am to 1pm.

    Fall dates:
    Typically in September
    Thursday 8am to 8pm
    Friday 8am to 8pm
    Saturday 8am to 1pm.

    (ADDED: September 08, 2018)
  • Little Duckling Sale & Expo - Always see their website, facebook page or by email for updated dates, hours and conditions
    Living Waters Worship Center, 3801 N. US Highway 441 Ocala, FL 34475. Email: Directions: see their website. Payment: We accept cash, Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express as well as Apple, Samsung, and Android Pay with Photo ID. We do not accept checks.
    Ocala's Twice Yearly Kids Consignment Sale & Expo

    Fall dates:
    See their website.

Nassau County

Putnam County

St. Johns County

  • WeeTRADE - Always see their website, facebook page or by email for updated dates, hours and conditions
    9365 Philips Hwy, Jacksonville, FL. Phone: 904.613.8851. Email: Directions: 1 mile South of I95/Near Avenues Regal Cinema, Corner of Philips Hwy/Shad Road, see their website. Payment: see their website. WeeTRADE is a specialty consignment sale held twice a year. We offer an easy way to make money by selling your children's gently loved boutique, name brand and high end department store clothing, shoes, specialty toys, baby items & furniture. Earn 66% commission on your nearly new smocked, appliqued, monogrammed, designer & name brand clothes. Baby equipment, large toys, furniture, popular toy items are welcome too. Join us to shop and save 50-90% on the brands you like best for your children. With the many treasures we hand select for our events, you won't have to dig through worn out, dated & undesirable items to find high quality items for your children. New & gently loved items for boys & girls sized newborn to tweens.

    Spring dates:
    Thursday, March 2 : 9 am to 8pm* Public Sale
    Friday, March 3: 9 am to 8pm Public Sale-Restocked, Come Back & See What's NEWLY Added
    Saturday, March 4 : 9 am to 4pm - 1/2 Price Sale*  *select items 50% off

    Fall dates:
    See their website.

Suwannee County

Union County