Looking for local Children's Consignment Sales in Southern Minneapolis and Southern Suburbs, Minnesota? Scroll down this page and you will see the
all of those in Southern Minneapolis and Southern Suburbs, Minnesota, sorted by county.
ALWAYS call before you go
to confirm the info, they don't always report changes to me!
Help us keep this list of Children's Consignment Sales current and
accurate and; if you know of one we missed and want to add it or correct the
information, please let me know!
Most are planning to hold their sales, with social distancing.
are great way to find excellent lightly used (often looks like new), children's
clothing, toys, baby clothes, maternity clothes, infant equipment, toys for
children and infants, baby and children's furniture (cribs, rockers, etc.),
strollers, books, cds, dvd's, video's, educational toys, baby monitors, and
much, much more. The prices are usually fantastic. Clothes often go for as
little as $1 per article, most commonly around $2 to $5 per item. Often, the consignment sales have a half-price sale during
their last day, which is typically a Saturday. Be sure to see
our tips
section! Be sure to see our lists of local
Pick Your Own farms to take your kids to! See
www.PickYourOwn.org. There are affiliate links on this page. Read our disclosure policy to learn more.
Updates for March 2025
March: Children's Consignment Sales are usually held twice a year, late winter (February and March) and Fall (August and September).
Keep in mind that due to Coronavirus, some organizations may postpone or cancel their Spring sales; always check their website, or call or email them for confirmation.
Children's Consignment Sales by County
Click on Resources above, if you need a county map
Carver County
Dakota County
From Yours To Mine Llc - Always see their website for updated dates, hours and conditions
8525 215th Street West, Hasse Hockey
Arena, Lakeville, MN 55044. Phone: (952) 564-7566. Email:
henriette@fromyourstomine.com. Directions: Click
here for a map and directions. The sale has items for babies, toddlers, children, teens.Discounted prices on many items on the last day!
Strollers are allowed (anytime). Restrooms are available. There are pre-sale hours for consignors. There are pre-sale hours for certain groups
(see our website). There are pre-sale hours for a admission fee. Payment: Cash, Debit cards, Visa/MasterCard, ApplePay.
Click here for our Facebook page.
Spring dates:
Typically held in April
We are BACK at the Lakeville Hasse Hockey
Arena; Join us for our 300+ sellers large IN PERSON Kids Stuff Sale
Shop or Sell with us! Consignor
Registration is NOW OPEN! SHOP Pre - Sales
Friday, (tickets will go on sale April 1st)
Saturday, from 10 am to 7 pm - Open to all shoppers
Sunday from 9 am to 2 pm - Half Price Day and Open to all shoppers See
From Yours To Mine..
Fall dates:
Typically held in September
We are BACK at the Lakeville Hasse Hockey Arena; Join us
for our 300+ sellers large IN PERSON Kids Stuff Sale
Shop or Sell with us! Consignor Registration will open
July 1st; SHOP Pre - Sales
Friday, (tickets will go on sale September 1st)
Saturday, from 10 am to 7 pm -
Open to all shoppers
Sunday, Half Price Day and Open to all shoppers See
From Yours To Mine..
(ADDED: February 10, 2022)
Just Between
Friends Eagan Apple Valley - Always see their website,
facebook page or by email for updated dates, hours and
14595 Hayes Rd, Apple Valley, MN 55124. Phone:
612-308-7005. Email: Kris@jbfsale.com. Directions: see their website.
Payment: see their website.
Click here for a link to our Facebook page.
Spring dates:
Typically in May at Hayes Arena (Almost across
the street from Apple Valley High School)
Thursday, Opening Day! Open 10-7; $2 Admission(18 & older) Kids are
FREE and you can be too! Get your ticket below!
Friday, NEW Items arrived last night! Open 10-7; FREE Admission!
Saturday, : Open 10-7; FREE Admission!
Half Price Day! 50% off all items WITHOUT a star! Open 10 am to 7pm;
FREE Admission
Fall dates:
Fall Sale: Typically in early August at Apple Valley Sports Arena
14452 Hayes Rd., Apple Valley
(Connected to Apple Valley High
School)See their website.
Minnesota Valley Mothers Of Multiples Used Clothing & Equipment Sale - Always see
their website for updated dates, hours and conditions
1501 Central Pkwy, Eagan, MN 55121. Email:
sale@mvmom.org. Directions:
Click here for a map and
directions. The sale has items for babies, toddlers, children, teens, maternity. Discounted prices
on some items on the last day!Strollers are allowed (anytime). Restrooms are available. Payment: Cash,
Check, Debit cards. A sale with Children's Gently Used Clothing & Shoes, Cribs, Highchairs & Boosters,
Baby Swings, Toys, Crib Bedding, Books, Pack-N-Plays, Bouncers, Jumpers & Saucers, Car Seats, Strollers,
DVDs, Bath Tubs, Baby Gates, Much More! All priced to sell! (Clothing sized preemie to youth 18/20.
Shoes sized newborn to youth 9.) ***Inventory varies each sale based on what our member sellers are
selling. 100+ SELLERS! Thousands of items!.
Spring dates:
Typically held in March ..
Fall dates:
Ty[ically held in September
Saturday, September 16, 2023
Shopping 10am to 1pm**
Half - price Shopping 130 amto 3:00pm
**Gym will be closed from 1 pm to
1:30pm while we prep for Half - Price Shopping; Purchases May not be held..
(UPDATED: July 31,
Le Sueur County
McLeod County
Nicollet County
Ramsey County
Between Friends Twin Cities NE - Always see their website,
facebook page or by email for updated dates, hours and
Vadnais Sports Center, 1490 E County Road E,
Vadnais Heights, MN 55110. Email:
deniseklipsic@jbfsale.com. Phone: Text me at 651-398-8368. Directions: see their website.
Payment: see their website.
Click here for a link to our Facebook page.
Spring dates:
Typically in May -Friday - 9 am to 9pm: $2
Typically in May -Saturday - 9 am to 9pm: Free
Admission All Day, Free Event 2-4pm
Typically in May-Sunday-
8 am to 1pm: Free Admission All Day *Half price Sale: All items
without a star are 1/2 price (Saturday from 6 pm to 9 pm and Sunday, 8 am to 1pm).
Fall dates:
See website.
Just Between
Friends Woodbury - Always see their website,
facebook page or by email for updated dates, hours and
Bielenberg Sports Center, 4125 Radio Drive,
Woodbury, MN 55129. Phone: Text/Call: 651-587-4957. Email:
SueEndle@jbfsale.com. Directions: see their website.
Payment: see their website.
Click here for a link to our Facebook page.
Spring dates:
Thurs Typically in May; Public Sale Opening 9 am to 7 pm ($2 admission, Kids are FREE and you can be too! Click Get
Friday,May 12 | Public Sale 9 am to 4 pm Fresh
items arrived last night!
Friday,May 12 | Half-Price Public Sale
6 - 9 pm All Items without a Star are 1/2 Price! ($2 admission,
Kids are FREE and you can be too! Click Get Tickets!)
12 | Mini-LulaPalooza! 5 - 9 pm For one night only we will have
11 LuLaRoe Independant Fashion Consulants on-site. Come see
their fabulous inventories of stylish, flattering and
comfortable fashions! ($5 admission 5pm-6pm; $2 admission
6pm-9pm. Click Get Tickets for reduced or FREE admission!)
Saturday, May 13 | Half-Price Public Sale 9 am to 1 pm All Items
without a Star are 1/2 Price!
Fall dates:
See website.
Munchkin Markets MN State Fairgrounds - Always see
their website, facebook page or by email for updated dates,
hours and conditions
1265 Snelling Avenue North, Saint Paul, MN. Phone: 651-253-0897.
Email: kristal@munchkinmarkets.com. Directions: see their website.
Payment: see their website. Join over 500 families to sell your
gently used baby and kid’s items at St. Paul’s premier
children’s consignment sale and earn 65-80% of the selling
price. Shoppers will find thousands of pre-loved and new baby
and children’s items including clothing (sizes preemie to big
kid 14), high chairs, strollers, cribs and nursery furniture,
shoes, books, DVDs, and of course toys all at prices 40-90% off
retail! A shopping event parents don’t want to miss! Public
shopping hours are 9-4 on Saturday and 9-2 on Sunday. Many items
will be 1/2 price on Sunday. Want to shop earlier? Consignors
and volunteers can shop the pre-sale on Friday night!Click here for a link to our Facebook page
Spring dates:
Saturday, (typically in April) from 9 am to 4pm
Sunday, (typically in April) from 9 am to 2pm
Fall dates:
See website.
Rice County
Scott County
- From
Yours To Mine - Always see their website, facebook
page or by email for updated dates, hours and conditions
Hockey Arena, 19900 Ipava Ave, Lakeville, MN 55044. Email:
Henriette@FromYoursToMine.com. Directions: see their
website. Payment: We accept Visa, Master Card, Discover Card,
cash and local checks as payment.
Click here for a link to our Facebook page.
We are a marketplace for families to sell and buy gently used
clothes, toys, and equipment for their children in a safe
environment. Our Kids Consignment Sale Event features thousands
of name brand, gently used items for your baby, toddler, or
yourself. Toys, cribs, carseats, excersaucers, bouncy seats,
highchairs, wagons, more toys, and lots of clothing items for
infants, toddlers, and kids.
Spring dates:
Friday, Typically in April pre-sales (with paid ticket)
Buy Pre-Sale
Tickets Here
Saturday, (typically in April) from 9 am to 5pm
Sunday, (typically in April) from 9 am to 2pm Many items 50% off
Fall dates:
See their website.
Sibley County
Washington County
Just Between Friends Woodbury - Always see their
website for updated dates, hours and conditions
4125 Radio
Drive, Woodbury, MN 55129. Phone: (651) 321-3969. Email:
sueendle@jbfsale.com. Directions:
Click here for the sales map and directions. The sale has
items for babies, toddlers, children, teens, maternity.
Discounted prices on many items on the last day! Strollers are
allowed during certain days or hours - see their website.
Restrooms are available. Concession stand (drinks, snacks and/or
food). There are pre-sale hours for consignors. There are
pre-sale hours for volunteers. There are pre-sale hours for
certain groups (see our website). There are pre-sale hours for a
admission fee. Payment: Cash, Debit cards, Visa/MasterCard,
Discover, AmEx. Kids grow sooo fast . At JBF Woodbury you get
WAY MORE for LESS ! Twice a year you can save on everything kids
need. THOUSANDS of great items at one huge community event and
50-90% off retail. This is one event you CANNOT afford to
miss! Clothes, baby gear, indoor & outdoor toys, books,
sports equipment, electronics, maternity items, games,
furniture, strollers, outerwear, riding toys and so much more!
Don't miss your chance to get everything your little ones need
without breaking the bank! Get your FREE shopping pass at our
website. Kiddo clutter taking over your house? We can help you
transform a playroom disaster into a sales check. Our average
seller makes over $350! That's easy money from the things your
kids are no longer using! Check out our website for all the
Click here for our Facebook page.
Spring dates:
Thursday, May 9, 2019: Open 9 am to 7 pm ($2 admission, Kids
are FREE and you can be too! Click Get Tickets!)
Friday, May
10: Open 9 am to 3 pm Fresh items arrived last night! Friday,
May 10: Half Price Sale 6pm to 9 pm All Items without a Star are
an additional 50% off! ($2 admission, Kids are FREE and you can
be too! Click Get Tickets!)
Saturday, May 11: Half Price
Sale 9 am to 1 pm All Items without a Star are an additional 50%
off! See our website for full details, free tickets and early
access information.
Fall dates:
Thursday, Sept
19, 2019: Open 9 am to 7 pm ($2 admission, Kids are FREE and you
can be too! Click Get Tickets!)
Friday, Sept 20: Open 9 am
to 3 pm Fresh items arrived last night! Friday, Sept 20: Half
Price Sale 6pm to 9 pm All Items without a Star are an
additional 50% off! ($2 admission, Kids are FREE and you can be
too! Click Get Tickets!)
Saturday, Sept 21: Half Price Sale
9 am to 1 pm All Items without a Star are an additional 50% off!
See our website for full details, free tickets and early access
(ADDED: January 25, 2019)
Munchkin Markets Washington County Fairgrounds -
Always see their website, facebook page or by email for updated
dates, hours and conditions
Washington County Fairgrounds-
Buildings C & D 12300 North 40th Street, Stillwater, MN. Phone:
651-253-0897. Email:
kristal@munchkinmarkets.com. Directions: see their website.
Payment: see their website. Join over 400 families to sell your
gently used baby and kid’s items at Stillwater’s premier
children’s consignment sale and earn 65-80% of the selling
price. Shoppers will find thousands of pre-loved and new baby
and children’s items including clothing (sizes preemie to big
kid 14), high chairs, strollers, cribs and nursery furniture,
shoes, books, DVDs, and of course toys all at prices 40-90% off
retail! A shopping event parents don’t want to miss! Public
shopping hours are 9-4 on Saturday and 9-2 on Sunday. Many items
will be 1/2 price on Sunday. Want to shop earlier? Consignors
and volunteers can shop the pre-sale on Friday night!!Click here for a link to our Facebook page
Spring dates:
Public Shopping - $1.00 Admission 9:00 am - 4:00 pm, Saturday,
Typically in May
Public Shopping- No Admission & Many items 1/2
price 9:00 am - 2:00 pm, Sunday, Typically in May
Fall dates:
See website.